5 Unknown Benefits Of Ritual Oils In Your Witchcraft Arsenal Kit

ritual oils

Ritual oils can play a powerful role in your witchcraft arsenal, providing a variety of benefits beyond being used as a tool for anointing. From getting into the right headspace, and improving your energy field, to improving your spells, there are many reasons why people use these ingredients topically or in aromatherapy.

In the article below, we’re going to uncover the five unknown benefits of ritual oils in your witchcraft arsenal kit:

1. Enhancing Energy Work 

Ritual oils can be used to enhance energy work by providing a focal point for directing intention and energy. These natural lubricants can be charged with specific intentions or used to anoint tools and objects to imbue them with specific energies. No matter what your intentions are, you can be sure that ritual oils can guide you through the way. Ultimately, these organic ingredients will help you align the right energy to receive and channel back.

2. Creating A Sacred Space 

An additional benefit of ritual oils is that they can be used to create a sacred space by anointing the perimeter of a ritual area or by anointing yourself and others before a witchcraft ceremony has begun. This helps to purify and protect the space and those within it. You can therefore be assured that you’ll be in the right headspace and zone for the meditation. Get into the right tone for the moment with the help of these natural ingredients in your arsenal kit. 

3. Enhancing Spellwork 

Ritual oils can be used to enhance spellwork by providing a physical representation of the intention behind the spell. Anointing candles, tools, or yourself with these natural ingredients help to strengthen the energy and focus of the spell. You can therefore be assured you’ll have more direction with the help of these natural ingredients in your spells. 

4. Improving Divination

Another reason to get ritual oils can be used to enhance divination is by anointing divination tools such as tarot cards or runes. This can help to open the mind and intuition, making it easier to receive messages from the divine. As a result, you’ll have more insightful readings and a better understanding from the psychic energies around you. 

5. Healing And Self-Care

Lastly, ritual oils can be used for healing and self-care by anointing yourself with nourishing substances that correspond to specific healing properties. This can help to balance and align the energy of the body, mind, and spirit. All in all, this can help further improve your self care practices to ultimately help you learn how to take care of your needs both in a physical and mental health sense. 

In summary, ritual oils are not only a powerful tool for anointing but also have many other benefits, such as enhancing energy work, creating sacred space, enhancing spellwork, enhancing divination and self-care. It is important to use high-quality, pure ingredients and to research the properties and correspondences of these natural ingredients you use in order to get the most out of them.