6 Exquisite Jade Jewellery Pieces from the Heart of New Zealand


Nestled in the embrace of the vast Pacific Ocean, New Zealand boasts not only breathtaking landscapes but also a hidden treasure that has captured hearts for centuries – jade. Known locally as “pounamu,” jade holds immense cultural significance for the Māori people, and its beauty and allure have made it a coveted material for crafting exquisite jewellery. In this article, we invite you to delve into the world of mesmerising jade jewellery from New Zealand as we explore six exquisite pieces that showcase the country’s unique artistic heritage.

Jade Necklace in New Zealand: A Symbol of Elegance

Among the many forms that pounamu jewellery takes, the jade necklace stands as a symbol of elegance and grace. The vibrant green hues of the stone reflect the lush landscapes of New Zealand, and its smooth texture evokes a sense of serenity. Crafted by skilled artisans, each necklace tells a story through its intricate patterns and designs. From traditional twists to contemporary interpretations, these necklaces are a stunning embodiment of the nation’s rich cultural heritage. Indulge in the captivating New Zealand jade necklace, a symbol of elegance and tradition.

The Enigmatic Jade Bracelet: A Touch of Timelessness

While the jade necklace captures attention with its length and elegance, the jade bracelet brings a touch of timelessness to your ensemble. The jade’s unique ability to seamlessly blend with both casual and formal attire makes it a versatile choice for any occasion. Its cool touch against the skin and captivating patterns make the jade bracelet a true embodiment of New Zealand’s natural beauty.

Earrings that Echo Nature’s Whispers

Imagine wearing a piece of New Zealand’s rugged landscape as earrings. Jade earrings capture the essence of the country’s wilderness in their raw and unpolished forms. Whether carved into the shape of native birds or featuring intricate Māori symbols, these earrings whisper tales of the land, evoking a connection between the wearer and the heart of New Zealand.

The Allure of the Jade Ring

If you seek a piece that exudes sophistication, the jade ring is a perfect choice. Crafted with care and precision, these rings showcase the stone’s depth of colour and texture. From minimalist designs to more intricate ones, the jade ring is a testament to New Zealand’s mastery of transforming raw materials into wearable art.

Adorning the Ankle: Jade Anklets

While anklets might not be as commonly associated with jade, they are certainly making a statement in the world of New Zealand jewellery. Jade anklets are a contemporary twist on tradition, combining the natural beauty of pounamu with modern fashion sensibilities. Wearing a jade anklet is like carrying a piece of New Zealand’s nature wherever you go, even in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

A Tribute to Tradition: Jade Brooches

In the realm of jade jewellery, brooches stand out as a tribute to tradition. These pieces often incorporate Māori designs that reflect the deep cultural significance of jade in New Zealand. A jade brooch not only adds an element of elegance to your attire but also serves as a conversation starter about the rich heritage of the land.

A Glimpse into New Zealand’s Artistic Soul

As we conclude our journey through the world of exquisite jade jewellery from New Zealand, we’ve witnessed how the beauty of pounamu can be transformed into captivating pieces that reflect the heart of this nation. From necklaces to earrings, rings to brooches, each piece carries a story and a connection to the land’s deep-rooted cultural heritage. With its vibrant green hues and unique patterns, jade jewellery serves as a window into the artistic soul of New Zealand, inviting us to appreciate the craftsmanship and tradition that have been passed down through generations.

3 Pro Tips To Make Your Eyebrow Feathering Perfect

finest eyebrow feathering

The eyes are the windows to the soul, just as the old adage goes. Make your eyes stand out even more by putting on a powerful, eye-catching outfit. Finding the finest eyebrow feathering product has become more important among beauty professionals and makeup influencers today, from the basic penciled appearance to bold and socmed-ready looks.

First, you’ll need a few essential equipment if you want to master the current eyebrow feathering style. With this, you get a good-quality brow brush, an eyebrow feathering pencil, and an eyeshadow of your choosing. You’re ready to get started as soon as you’ve gathered all the essential tools.

Feathered brows might be difficult to achieve flawlessly on your first attempt. As long as you maintain your eyebrow feathering trimmed, you’re good if you have naturally thick brows. On the other hand, if your brows are a little sparse, you may simply fill them in with an eyebrow feathering pencil.

In little time at all, you’ll be able to get a natural feathery effect on your Instagram photos with a little practice and direction.

The Brows Should Be Brushed Upward

You need to begin the process of sculpting your brows first before you can go on to filling them in. Doing so will allow you to get more familiar with your brows and give you a better understanding of where all the natural gaps are as well as the direction in which their strokes go.

Beginning with a minimal amount of product and applying it lightly is one of the most important steps in mastering the feathered brow look. Make use of your brow brush, and beginning at the outermost portion of your brow, begin combing the regions that have little to no hair.

To get a feathery appearance in your brows, gently brush them in an upward manner while doing so slowly, and then fluff each part individually. As you draw the brush closer to the middle of your eyebrow feathering, you will be able to achieve the desired volume as a result of this technique. When trying to obtain the effect of feathered eyebrow feathering, it is important to remember to follow the natural arch of your eyebrow feathering.

Get a More Defined Look by Painting Small Hair-Like Strokes on Your Skin

You are more conscious of the spaces in between your eyebrow feathering now that you have shaped them into the appearance you want them to have. The next step is to begin by filling in the brows in parts using your brow product in light and feathery strokes that are rather tiny.

Be sure to apply the concealer in short, upward strokes that go in a direction that is ever-so-slightly angled toward the corners of your eyes. If you want your brows to have more definition, you may also fill in the spaces in other parts of your brows. Keep in mind that you should begin with the arch and work your way carefully towards the tail. After that, you should return to the beginning of your eyebrow feathering and blend everything in.

Remember that this stage involves a lot of effort to get the look flowing in the proper direction, so don’t worry if you make a mistake; simply wipe it off and start again. Keep in mind that this step requires a lot of experience.

Improve While Also Hiding

You may begin establishing your brows using a clear brow gel that can persist for a long time if you get your desired definition. Make sure you don’t overdo it, because your brows may become darker or lose their natural shape.

Move slightly outwards while keeping an upward stroke as you place the gel in the middle of your brow. Because the color persists, you may even use it on already filled-in areas to give them a more complete appearance.